Release: 24-01-2018
- Header Bidding
- New SSP partner and dedicated template
Header Bidding
Header bidding is a mechanism that allows to conduct an auction between multiple advertising providers. Implementation is easy going thanks to the prebid.js library and a new format of AO placement scripts.
New placements scripts will be available in the AdOcean interface in placements code window.
Prebid configuration works only on pages with mode:"new" enabled.
Prebid.js library
Prebid.js is an open source library that facilitates the implementation of header bidding to publishers. To download proper prebid adapter for AdOcean, please visit this site.
New SSP partner and dedicated template
AdOcean is now integrated with new SSP partner - Smart. Now you can offer your inventory to Smart SSP and increase your revenue. To better management we created dedicated RTB template called "RTB/SSP Smart AdServer Template". To start using the new Smart SSP template, please contact your local Technical Support.