Release: 01-02-2017
- New way of looking up creative templates
- Another templates with video statistics support
- More video formats in standard creative
- New options in templates: in article video, scroll reveal, two-sided banner, full-screen overlay video, cube 3D
- Possibility to hide grid in creative preview
- Select all/ unselect all options for creatives in order, capping and targeting
- Limitation in usage of the GET method in API
New way of looking up creative templates
Every month we introduce a new creative template, so the list of templates for creatives is getting longer and longer. In order to make the selection of a template in the creative definition view easier, we will introduce the possibility to easily look up a template from the list.
When you click on the “creative template” dropdown list in creative properties, the search field becomes available at the top of the list.
Another templates with video statistics support
For the following templates we will introduce support for video statistics: in article video, scroll reveal and two-sided banner. These templates have been available on the list of standard creative templates and as well will be added to the list of video creative templates.
More video formats in standard creative
Part of templates were available only when defining video creatives. In order to give you more video ad formats, we will share these templates also in the definition of standard creatives, but without the possibility of video statistics support.
New options in templates: in article video, scroll reveal, two-sided banner, full-screen overlay video, cube 3D
Several adjustments in already available ad formats will be introduced:
- Cube 3D – possibility to select the axis of rotation
- Scroll reveal – change of player, option of seeking for video and force desktop version for mobile devices
- Twosided banner - change of player, option of seeking for video and new option of rotation for banner
- Fullscreen video – possibility to enter url for a video file
- In article video - change of player, option of: seeking for video, max. weight setting, native size of video, connection type recognition; new possibility of setting visibility of creative
- OpenSession
- AddPublisher
- UpdatePublisher
- AddAgency
- UpdateAgency
- AddAdvertiser
- UpdateAdvertiser
- AddSalesperson
- UpdateSalesperson In POST method, parameters should be passed like data in form, it will be not possible pass password in url.
Possibility to hide grid in creative preview
In order to make it easier to test such creatives as background, we will add the possibility to hide the grid in the creative preview.
Select all/ unselect all options for creatives in order capping and targeting
In the definition and edition view of orders, capping and targeting, we will add an option to select all and unselect all for a given creative. It should help you create orders, capping or targeting faster.
Limitation in usage of the GET method in API
In order to increase the security level in AdOcean, we are going to block calling AdOcean API commands by using the GET method with passwords. The communication by using POST methods will still be available. Changes concern the following commands:
Example of proper calling of AdOcean API command:
curl "" --data "login=aaa&passswd=bbb"