AdOcean development newsletters



Release: 12-03-2014

List of new features and major fixes for this release:
  • Limiting the editing rights of a publisher-type account
  • Change in targeting to PC devices
  • AdOcean API update

Limiting the editing rights of a publisher-type account

To provide a better way of managing user access rights, AdOcean now allows you to limit the trafficking access granted to your publishers’ accounts, so that publishers cannot edit their advertising space, but still can create their own campaigns.

Change in targeting to PC devices

In order to target ads to PC devices, users will now have to set the value of 'devtype' to 8 instead of 0. All existing targetings will be automatically converted .

AdOcean API update

AddPublisher and UpatePublisher functions will be updated:

  • trafficaccess [Y/N] — changed semantic (no ad space edit access by default)
  • adspaceeditaccess [Y/N] — sets publisher's access right to edit ad space;

GetPublishersList function gets new output fields:

  • withAdSpaceEditAccess [Y/N] – informs if the publisher has editing ad space rights


  • returns new targeting type DEVICE

GetTargettingsList, GetTargettingsInfo, GetAssignedTargettingList

  • handles new targeting type DEVICE (returns only raw numeric expression)


  • it is possible to delete new targeting type DEVICE


  • returns NotImplemnted when trying to add targeting type DEVICE