AdOcean development newsletters



Release: 27-02-2019

List of new features and major fixes for this release:
  • VAST 4.1 support in AdOcean
  • Macros in the Simple template

VAST 4.1 support in AdOcean

Following the needs of the market, we present support for VAST 4 video standard in AdOcean. A new template VAST 4 Linear will be counting viewability according to the IAB standard.

Inside ViewableImpression xml tag there will be a possibility to send one of three parameters:

  • viewable
  • nonviewable
  • unmeasurable

Every creative used with VAST 4 standard need to have unique ID that will be added using the macro inside AdServingId tag.

Template VAST 4 Linear will be working only on placements with Placement Profile video VAST 4.1.

Please notice that VAST Wrapper template will not be compatible with video VAST 4.1 placement profile.

Macros in the Simple template

In the Simple template we added support for including macros to HTML and Java Script sections.

Macros will be added to the code after click on the macro link and it will be placed after the cursor position.

Please remember that in order to embed creative inside code, you need to upload file in the 'Media files' tab first.