Release: 17-07-2019
- Detailed prediction in estimation mechanism
- Deprecated API commands removal
- API commands update
- Macro removal
Detailed prediction in estimation mechanism.
Do you know it is possible to order predicitions for future campaigns in order to check their potential performance? From this release, you will be able to see not only the predicted results for the whole campaign, but also details for each order separately.
In order to check the details of the previously ordered prediction, go to the Campaign properties view and click on a loudspeaker icon next to "Prediction for orders". It will open a pop up with a list of campaign's orders and their results.
On the list you will be able to check predicted numbers of impressions and reach, as well as a prediction status for each order. There will also be a possibility to download these statistics in the .xlsx file format.
Deprecated API commands removal
Following deprecated API commands will be permanently removed from the system:
- GetCreativeImageInfo
- GetCreativeFlashInfo
- GetCreativeHTMLInfo
- GetCreativeJSInfo
API commands update
templateStr field will no longer be present in responses from the following API commands:
- GetCreativesList
- GetADSAssignedCreativesList
- GetAssignedCreativesList
Macro removal
A deprecated <%%SWFTARGET_URL%%> macro will be permanently removed from the system.