AdOcean development newsletters



Release: 15-02-2017

List of new features and major fixes for this release:
  • New targeting type – device type targeting
  • New command in API – GetTrackingScripts

New targeting type – device type targeting

In order to help you land your campaign exactly where you want, we introduce the possibility to target for selected device types in a very easy way.
A new type of targeting called device type targeting will be available as an option in the AdOcean interface. You will only be required to select a device type from the list.

Due to the introduction of this new targeting type, the following changes have been made in API:
  • A new command called GetDeviceTypesList will be available
  • In Add/UpdateTargeting commands, a new targeting type (Device) will be supported

New command in API – GetTrackingScripts

Thanks to a new API command called GetTrackingScripts, it will be possible to download all types of tracking scripts for your campaign.
Additionally, for impression tracking scripts you will be able to choose the type of script (JS or IMG).