AdOcean development newsletters



Release: 29-01-2020

List of new features and major fixes for this release:
  • Campaigns archiving
  • Passback Enabled Creative template update
  • New parameters in Responsive Footer Billboard

Campaigns archiving

Campaign archiving is a process meant to improve system high availability and data safety. We have decided to archive some data from campaigns that have finished earlier than two years back. Today, all campaigns data and settings from the 16 years of AdOcean history are stored in the database, which makes it unnecessary big.

Changes will be visible in several parts of the AdOcean interface.


Period Reports (new and already existing) could only include data from campaigns that finished in the last two years. In Time of the campaign’s end report section setting:

  • whole period option will never return data for archived campaings
  • relative time option value will by default be set to 24 months
  • you will be able to add more restrict relative time option or absolute time option

Some custom reports calculated on demand will only consider statistics from last two years. It refers to reports for which campaign statistics are aggregated by more than one dimension. For example, statistics aggregated only by Order will be included in reports, but statistics aggregated by Order and Creative at the same time will not be available. Custom reports based on raw data will be able to present data from the last two years.

In the Summary Reports view, you will not be able to select a period older than two years back while creating a new report. Similarly, you will not be able to generate a summary report inside a campaign if it has finished earlier than two years back. Reports that have already been generated will still be available for download.

Changes in AdOcean interface

For campaigns that finished earlier than two years back:

  • Campaign Edition, End Campaign Editing, Resume and Suspend buttons will be removed
  • Orders, Surrounds and Creatives activation and deactivation will be disabled
  • Campaign Period Reports will not be sent. You will not be able to add new Period Reports to such campaign.
  • AdMonitor publishing: Reset Performance and Reset Plan and Performance buttons will be removed (available on the Czech market only)
  • Statistics section - Tracking scripts view will be removed
  • Statistics view:
    • ORDER and CREATIVE filters will be available only if no other filter is used
    • RESULTS and COMPARISON filters will be available only if no other filter is used
    • ORDER and CREATIVE filters will not be available in Ranking views
    • Ranking in detail view will be removed
    • Statistics summary: add and delete time period buttons will be removed
  • Copy Campaign button will be removed, but you will still be able to copy creatives from these campaigns
  • Live Preview view will be removed
  • Ad Space views will be removed
  • In Orders, Surrounds, Cappings, Targetings views:
    • Placements and Placements Category tables will be removed

Changes in AdOcean API

The following commands will not be available:

  • GetSurroundPairs
  • GetAssignedPublishersList
  • GetAssignedPlacementTypesList
  • GetAssignedPlacementCategoriesList
  • GetAssignedPlacementsList
  • GetAssignedMasterPlacementsList
  • GetADSAssignedPlacementCategoriesList
  • GetADSAssignedPublishersList
  • GetADSAssignedPlacementsList (with param campaignID)
  • GetAssignedOrdersList (with param campaignID)
  • GetUsersList (with param campaignID)

Without param campaignID, GetAssignedOrdersList command will not include campaigns that finished earlier than two years back.

In commands GetAssignedOrdersList and GetAssignedCampaignsList parameters, hour and hourFrom parameters values can not be earlier than two years back.

Passback Enabled Creative template update

We have added the possibility to define four additional passback codes in the Passback Enabled Creative template. This option allows you to connect with a few vendors during one ad request.

In mode:"old", the first code will be executed synchronously. That means that when vendor's server will send the response, the next code will be executed after DOMContentLoaded event is called on the website. Next codes will be executed with the usage of buffering mechanism from the ado.js library. If none of the codes from vendors respond with an ad, an alternative creative will be executed.

In case of using mode:"new", execution of code is related to the position of useDOMContentLoaded option. The first code will be executed after DOMContentLoaded event is called on the website. The next code will be executed the same way as on pages with mode:"old", with the usage of buffering mechanism from the ado.js library.

New parameters in Responsive Footer Billboard

Responsive Footer Billboard template will get a new parameters section, Scroll effects, which allows to hide the half of the banner when scrolling down the page.

New parameters:

  • Enabled - if checked, the scroll effect will be enabled for the creative.
  • Start offset - position from which the banner will start to hide. Values can be set in pixels or percentage, which refer to the height of the web page.
  • End position - end position of the banner when it stops hiding. Values can be set in pixels or percentage, which refer to the height of the web page.