Release: 24-06-2020
- Multi-size in Prebid
- Footer mode in gemiusCMP
Multi-size in Prebid
Since now, in compliance with OpenRTB 2.5 protocol, AdOcean SSP supports several creative sizes in one auction. Prebid template gained a new "Extra sizes" parameter, where you can define additional dimensions which will be sent to the Prebid auction.
Dimensions in Header bidding template with Prebid will not be obligatory anymore. If you leave width and height parameters empty, values will be taken from the Prebid template. Possibility to use several dimensions with template requires prebid.js in version 3.23.0 or higher.
Footer mode in gemiusCMP
We have prepared a new UI mode in gemiusCMP which has a form of a footer. The new mode of our consent management platform is compliant with IAB Europe's Transparency & Consent Framework v2.0. All functions will remain the same as they were descibed in the previous newsletter.
For more details, please contact your local Technical Support.