Release: 29-06-2016
- Financial module
- New macros for encoding
- Improvement in Rollband Video template
Financial module
We are proud to present you the first version of a financial report in AdOcean. This report will help you manage settlements with your publishers. For every publisher you now will be able to sum up all his campaigns from the last month.
In order to use the financial report you need to define:
- margin for publisher – it is a new attribute of publisher in AdOcean, value of margin is from interval 0-100%
- costs in a campaign or order
Figure: Margin for publisher
On main account, the financial report presents information about costs of all campaigns for a selected publisher.
The financial report is presented for a selected publisher, month and year, and contains the following information:
- campaign – the name of a campaign in AdOcean for a given publisher
- model – cost model from a campaign. If in one campaign different models are used in orders, data for that campaign will be presented for every model. For example in campaigns we have 3 orders: order A and B with CPM model, order C with CPC model, so in the financial model we will present aggregated data for order A and B as CPM model and data for order C – as CPC model.
- cost – cost for order in a given cost model. If in one model we have different costs for orders, data will be presented for every cost. For example, in campaigns we have 2 orders: order A and B with CPM model. In order A we have cost equal to 1 PLN, and in order B we have cost equal to 2 PLN, so in the financial model we will present separated data for every cost. Additionally, if a cost is changed during order, data for both costs will be presented.
- event – number of events for every cost and model from an AdOcean calculation module. Depends on the type of cost model, different indicator will be here presented, for example for CPM model we present impressions, for CPC model we preset clicks.
- accepted events – number of events for every cost and model you want use in the settlement with your publishers. This value can be entered by you (then value is visible in black) or you can leave default value (then value is visible in grey and is the same as the number of events). You need to save this value by selecting the “save” button below the table.
- value – value of order in a given cost and cost model calculated as multiple of cost and accepted events.
- margin – margin defined for a given publisher
- income – value of order in a given cost and cost model with taking into account margin of publisher.
- campaign income – sum of all incomes gathered in campaign.
Figure: Financial report
- for commands AddPublisher and UpdatePublisher a new parameter "defaultMargin" will be available
- new commands are added in the system: GetPublisherIncomeStats and UpdatePublisherIncomeParameters
New macros for encoding
In order to sort out problems with encoding in creative code, we introduce new macros, namely <%%EMITER_ENCODE%%> and <%%EMITER_ENCODE_END%%>, which will turn on/off encoding just like encodeURIComponent in JavaScript. New macros will be executed during connection to the AdOcean emitter.
It is necessary to properly use parenthesis – number of open marcos (<%%EMITER_ENCODE%%>) and closed macro (<%%EMITER_ENCODE_END%%>) need to be the same.
In HTML creatives, new macros work properly only if used in the same code line. It is a result of adding document.write() to every line of the creative code by AdOcean.
Improvement in Rollband Video Template
We are glad to inform you that a global template called Rollband Video now uses HTML5 player technology, so all features of HTML5 player will now be ready to use in Rollband Video Template. These are:
- counting of video statistics
- mute on mouse
- autostart
- setting image on start
- using video file in formats: mp4, ogv, webm and flv
- responsivity