Release: 07-12-2011
- Planning based on reach indicator
- New global creative templates
Planning based on reach indicator
We have been testing a new kind of planning for ad delivery recently and we feel it is now ready for prime time. The new planning is based on the reach indicator, i.e. the number of cookie users who are exposed to a campaign or order. Planning based on this indicator was a hard task, as reach is a non-additive type of statistics, which means that several events (for example impressions) count as only one in case of the same cookie ID. Our implementation does not only give you the power of planning for cookie users insetad of simply impressions or clicks, but even distribution of reach is also possible (some limitations apply, specifically the ratio of returning and new cookie users on your websites).
Defining reach-based ad delivery
Distribution of ad delivery based on reach indicator is possible either on the level of orders or the whole campaign. If you would like to set it for an order then please go to the order editing view in your campaign and select 'reach' indicator in the ‘number of events’ row. Choosing this setting causes that the order will no longer be delivered after fulfilling the planned number of reach events. In order to continue delivering the order, but only to those users, who already had contact with it, select 'maximize impressions for reach-based delivery’ option. When you select this option and the planned number of cookie users are exposed to this order, the delivery of ads will not be suspended until another limit (such as a frequency capping) forces it so.
Figure: setting on order level
In order to plan ad delivery based on reach for a whole campaign, please go to the ‘Properties’ submenu of the campaign and set the ‘Impression mode’ setting to the ‘for entire campaign’ option. Then enter the number of planned reach and select the reach indicator. Choosing this setting causes that the campaign will no longer be delivered after fulfilling the reach plan. In order to continue delivering the campaign, but only to those users, who already had contact with it, select 'maximize impressions for reach-based delivery’ option. When you select this option and the planned number of cookie users are exposed to this campaign, the delivery of ads will not be suspended until another limit (such as a frequency capping) forces it so.
Figure: setting on campaign level
Please note: it is also possible to turn on ‘maximize impressions for reach-based delivery’ option for ongoing (current) campaigns and orders. Here is an extreme example on how the system acts in such case:
A campaign has 5 x UU/campaign capping and the reach plan is set to 1 000 cookie users. When 999 unique cookies have been exposed to the ads, the AdOcean trafficker turns on the ‘maximize impressions for reach-based delivery’ option. Doing so, the campaign will be delivered only until this one more unique cookie is contacted. Till then some of the cookies may be exposed to more ads until the 5 x UU capping if fulfilled (maximizing their impressions), but this will not be the aim of the system. The event of exposing ads to the 1000th cookie user is going to suspend the campaign.
Setting a safe plan for distribution based on reach
There are a few factors which have an effect on the precision of plans with distribution based on reach, these are primarily:
- whether there is a frequency capping set for the order (especially strict cappings like 1 x UU/campaign time);
- impression mode (%ASAP);
- the ratio of the plan, i.e. the planned amount of cookie users to reach and the potential of the advertising space (number of visitors on your website);
- the length of the campaign or order.
Distribution based on reach on the level of orders
As every website has a different number of visitors and also a dynamically changing ratio of new vs. returning visitors, it is hard to provide any specific numbers on how to set your plans based on reach safely. However, our internal benchmarks helped us coming to some general conclusions.
In case of orders running for only a short time, the lack of reach by the end of the order duration may be slightly bigger than in case of orders runnign for a longer time. Thus it is better for short orders to choose a higher impression mode percentage and/or to plan with a lower than average advertising space potential (however, in case of orders lasting for 1 day only those differences are not significant).
Benchmarks have proved that distributing based on reach on the level of the whole campaign has more restrictions than if distributing on the level of an order only. Planning reach for the whole campaign may lead to more inaccuracy in the delivery plans (ending up with less reach then planned is more possible). As a general rule, it is safer to set bigger impression mode percentage and/or a smaller planned number of reach.
New global creative templates
This release also brings some novelties in terms of creative forms: we are releasing 3 new global creative templates to give you even more possibilities for selling eye-candy ads on your websites. The 3 new global templates can be seen in action under the following URLs:
We hope you will find creative ways to make use of the new templates. If you have any questions about the new templates, please contect your local Technical Support.