Release: 28-05-2018
- GDPR-related changes in placement codes
- New macro - CONSENT
- Gemius SDK update
GDPR-related changes in placement codes
Ads measurement and profiling in AdOcean ad server
We would like to remind you that a new EU regulation on the protection of personal data (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR) comes into force on May 25, 2018. The regulation provides internet users with the rights to decide about and manage their data, and the entities that gather and process the data are obliged to manage users' data securely. In order to give the users the possibility to manage their privacy and exercise the rights given, Gemius has prepared a tailored tool for this purpose – Gemius Privacy Tool.
With the use of Gemius Privacy Tool, users will be able to execute only the activities that may be done by Gemius. In the situation when the user uses browsers that do not accept 3rd party cookies, Gemius shall not receive the information on potential expectations of the user, concerning his privacy, so Gemius will not have the possibility to respond to them and will be still monitoring the activity of such a user’s cookie by using an ID saved in a publisher’s domain. In such a case, the execution of the user’s requests is on the publisher’s side.
In order to make it easier for the publisher to meet the newly adopted obligations referring to the data processed by us, we’ve prepared a new script, which shall give the possibility to execute the rights of internet users to objection or to the consent cancellation. This solution might be complementary to the other implemented by the publisher. If the publisher would like to implement our solution, find below the instructions for changing the placement codes, for the users who have raised objections against processing their data on your website.
We've introduced changes allowing to display non-profiled (in the sense of GDPR) advertisements to a given user.
Placement codes
Placement configuration for placement codes has the following form:
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* (c)AdOcean 2003-2018 */
if(typeof ado!=="object"){ado={};ado.config=ado.preview=ado.placement=ado.master=ado.slave=function(){};}
ado.config({mode: "old", xml: false, consent: true, characterEncoding: true});
ado.preview({enabled: true});
If the user doesn’t consent, you should pass parameter consent: false.
Impression scripts
Impression script has the following form:
<script type="text/javascript"><!--<![CDATA[
/* (c)AdOcean 2003-2018 */
(function() { consent=true; if(location.protocol.substr(0,4)=='http')document.write(unescape('%3C')+'script id="test_gemius.test_publisher.placement" src="'+location.protocol+'//'+(new Date()).getTime()+'/ad.js?id=yyhREDb7HNPqmavzsjYUAeT5Xhtd3PrzUllbgM_HV5f.E7/nc='+(consent?0:1)+'/x='+screen.width+'/y='+screen.height+'" type="text/javascript"'+unescape('%3E%3C')+'/script'+unescape('%3E'))})();
If the user doesn’t consent, you should set parameter consent=false.
Iframe placement codes
Iframe placement code has the following form:
<iframe src="//" height="100%" width="100%" style="border:0;overflow:hidden;display:block;position:relative;" allowtransparency="true" seamless="seamless" scrolling="no"></iframe>
If the user doesn’t consent, you should set parameter configconsent=false.
Google AMP
Google AMP code has the following form:
<amp-ad width="[WIDTH]" height="[HEIGHT]"
Publisher should use
Prebid adserver config
Configuration part of Prebid adserver config has the following form:
window.adocf = window.adocf || {cmd: []};
var consent = true;
window.adocf.cmd.push({"config": [{hb: true, consent: consent, mode: "new", xml: false, characterEncoding: true}]});
If the user doesn’t consent, you should pass parameter consent: false.
Video advertisements
If the user doesn’t consent, you should add parameter nc=1 to the ad request, e.g.:
New macro - CONSENT
We've also introduced new macro named <%%CONSENT%%> which can be used to check whether the user has consented to profiling or not. Macro expands to value 1 if the user consented or value 0 if the user didn't consent.
Gemius SDK update
Android version 1.3.2
Main changes since version 1.3.0:
- official support for Android 8.1
- fixed compatibility with android build tools in version 27 (problem occured only for some users)
- changed library format from JAR to AAR
- added method AdOceanConfig.setBaseUrl() to set base URL for requests in WebView in which ad is displayed
iOS version 1.3.2
Main changes since version 1.3.1:
- iOS 7.0 is no longer supported due to abandoned support by Xcode. Deployment target changed from iOS 7.0 to 8.0
- Swift_Sample updated to Swift 4
- iPhone X - problem with FullScreen ad close button (FullScreenAd frame moved down and decreased height to exclude the notch)
- fixed memory leaks for AdOcean module