AdOcean development newsletters



Release: 26-06-2019

List of new features and major fixes for this release:
  • Viewability & Dwell in Prebid template
  • Improvement of capping's type

Viewability in Prebid template

We introduce support for measuring Viewability & Dwell in Prebid template. Viewability & Dwell will be measured inside iframe where banner from winning auction will be displayed. Iframe dimensions will be the same as sizes of creative, which will be passed to the Prebid auction. Dimensions of iframe and winning banner should be equal.

Thanks to this we will avoid situation from RTB/SSP Template where measured container is almost always bigger than displayed banner.

To activate Viewability & Dwell for creative chose Prebid template. Checkbox will be marked automatically.

Improvement of capping's type

On July 10, 2019 we will improve Capping's type for Impression program. Position in ad break will get new parameters. In AdOcean interface there will be a possibility to set capping for first, second and third position in ad break (Fig.1) or only the last position in ad break (Fig.2).

Figure 1

Figure 2

The changes also apply to the API. With the use of commands AddCapping and UpdateCapping user can define capping for any position in ad break. Positions in ad breake should be separated by comma.

Defining negative value positionsInAdBreak: -1 will cause to set capping for creative as last position in ad break.

There will be no possibility to set both positive and negative values.