AdOcean development newsletters



Release: 17-04-2019

List of new features and major fixes for this release:
  • New template - Push up footer
  • Skip option in VPAID template

New template - Push-up footer

This week we present a new template called Push up footer. It allows to create a footer with either image or HTML5 creative. Click in the footer results in expanding an overlay that might contain an image, HTML5, mp4 or webm file.

An example of such a creative is present on the bottom of this page.

Skip option in VPAID template

We introduce an option to skip an ad in the VPAID template. There are four new parameters related to this option:

  • Display custom skip button - defines if the skip button should be present or not,
  • Custom skip buttons styles - an optional parameter, defines the custom styles and position of the skip button,
  • Skip in text [for custom skip button] - defines the text displayed on the skip button until the countdown is over. Use %t to display the number of seconds left till the end of the countdown,
  • Skip ad text [for custom skip button] - defines the text displayed on the skip button after the countdown is over and the ad can be skipped.