AdOcean development newsletters



Release: 20-11-2019

List of new features and major fixes for this release:
  • GemiusSDK 1.7.0 for Android
  • New SDK template - SDK Google AdMob
  • New options in Mobile Pull template

GemiusSDK 1.7.0 for Android

This week we present you the updated version of GemiusSDK for Android (1.7.0).

Main changes since the previous release are:

  • Added Support for MRAID 3.0
  • Added Support for Google AdMob
  • Sharing cookies between HTTP traffic and WebView
  • Minimum library SDK version set to 4.0 (API 14)

New SDK template - SDK Google AdMob

In order to deliver ads from Google Ads through AdOcean in mobile apps, please check our new dedicated template SDK Google AdMob. It has only one parameter: adUnit, for which a request for an ad needs to be sent.

Thanks to this, you will be able to prioritize your direct campaigns with ones delivered by Google Ads. Please notice that AdOcean will only measure impressions for creatives based on this template. The rest of statistics will be available in your Google Ads account.

This template can be used together with the latest GemiusSDK 1.7.0 for Android. GemiusSDK for iOS with Google AdMob support is to be released soon.

New options in Mobile Pull template

We also present you new possibilities in the Mobile Pull creative template. Thanks to a new group of parameters, your ad can get a parallax effect.

  • Parallax parameters
    • Enabled - if set, the fixed banner is slowly revealed while user is scrolling down the page
    • End position - number of pixels that need to be scrolled down by the user in order to fully reveal the fixed banner