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AdOcean is an advanced ad serving solution for online publishers, enabling them effectively manage their advertising space. The system helps in better inventory optimization and improving revenue growth. AdOcean allows publishers for convenient choice of sales model according to their business needs. The system offers direct sales as well as innovate programmatic distribution through original SSP module integrated with wide range of DSPs.

gemiusDirectEffect is a campaign monitoring system supporting the complete flow of a campaign: from trafficking, through optimization and monitoring, to extensive reporting. The system also guarantees safe and high-quality ad serving of various creative formats. It allows to measure real viewability of the ad campaign as well as provides demographic data about reached audience. All statistics presented in gemiusDirectEffect are available in real time.

gemiusAdReal is a market intelligence tool revealing all brands’ activities, both in digital and cross-media world. The study allows for in-depth insight of media activity across all platforms: TV, radio, PC and mobile including walled garden ecosystems like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. gemiusAdReal helps all media-players in better planning their marketing strategies and media-mix optimization. The study was recognized by the IAB Research Awards in 2017 and 2019.